Spruce Forest Agaricales

[Plants], [Vertebrates], [Invertebrates], Fungi, [Threats]
[Ascomycota, Zygomycota, and Protozoa], Agaricales, [Boletales and Russulales], [Other Basidiomycota]

Many Agaricaceae

Many Amanitaceae

Several Bolbitiaceae

Most Clavariaceae

Many Cortinariaceae

Many Entolomataceae

Most Hydnangiaceae

Many Hygrophoraceae

Many Hymenogastraceae

Many Inocybaceae

Several Lycoperdaceae

Many Lyophyllaceae

Many Marasmiaceae

Many Mycenaceae

Many Omphalotaceae

Several Physalacriaceae

Several Pluteaceae

Many Psathyrellaceae

Many Strophariaceae

Many Tricholomataceae

Several Incertae sedis

Pleurotus columbinus

Aphanobasidium pseudotsugae

Lindtneria leucobryophila

Pterula multifida

Phloeomana speirea

Pseudolaccaria pachyphylla

[Plants], [Vertebrates], [Invertebrates], Fungi, [Threats]
[Ascomycota, Zygomycota, and Protozoa], Agaricales, [Boletales and Russulales], [Other Basidiomycota]

Pictures © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 J.K. Lindsey

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