Descriptions and Identification Keys
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- Baker, E.W. & Wharton, G.W. (1952) An Introduction to Acarology. New York: Macmillan.
- Banks, N. (1915) The Acarina or Mites. A Review of the Group for the Use of Economic Entomologists. Washington: United States Department of Agriculture Report No. 108.
- Hyatt, K.H. & Emberson, R.M. (1988) "A review of the Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) of the British Isles." Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. 54: 63-125.
- Krantz, G.W. & Walter, D.E. (eds, 2009, 3rd edn) A Manual of Acarology. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press.
- Müller, J. (1860) Insektenepizoën der mährischen Fauna. Jahresheft der Naturwissenschaftlieben Section der k. k. mägr. schles. Gesellschaft für Ackerbau. Nature- und Landeskunde, 1859: 157-184.
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