Stellaria holostea Linnaeus 1753 (Family Caryophyllaceae)
Plant |
Leaves |
Flower |
Fruit |
Height: 10-50cm
Occasionally Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Perennial, Persistent Seed Bank
Hermaphrodite, Flowering April - June
(Earliest: 13.4)
Protective Chemicals |
Flavonoids |
Luteolin, Vicenin |
Biotopes: |
Hedge Rows |
Wet Forest Edge |
Flower Visitors: |
Several Apidae |
Platygaster tisias |
Platygaster marchali |
Pieris napi |
Celastrina argiolus |
Coenonympha pamphilus |
Panemeria tenebrata |
Several Empididae |
Several Syrphidae |
Sepsis violacea |
Alliopsis billbergi |
Phorbia nuceicornis |
Bradysia albanensis |
Bibio johannis |
Bellardia pandia |
Dioctria atricapilla |
Scathophaga stercoraria |
Oedemera lurida |
Dasytes niger |
Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata |
Parasites: |
Coleophora solitariella |
Scaptomyza graminum Larva (Leaf Miner) |
Possible Parasites: |
Liriomyza strigata |
Herbivores: |
Mesotype didymata |
Caryocolum blandella Larva |
Caryocolum kroesmanniella Larva |
Cassida flaveola |
Galeruca tanaceti |
Possible Herbivores: |
Cnephasia asseclana |
Cnephasia incertana |
Rhogogaster chlorosoma Larva |
Rhogogaster viridis Larva |
Cylindrotoma distinctissima Larva |
Florivores: |
Eupithecia pygmaeata |
Ecological Flora of the British Isles
Skye Flora:
Greater Stitchwort
Pictures © 2003, 2004, 2005 J.K. Lindsey
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Ecology of Commanster