Juncus tenuis von Willdenow 1799 (Family Juncaceae)
Height: 15-50cm
Hermaphrodite, Flowering June - September
(Earliest: 12.6)
Biotopes: |
Spruce Forest Edge |
Wet Forest |
Pollination: |
Wind |
Possible Parasites: |
Loxocera albiseta Larva (Stem Borer) |
Loxocera aristata Larva (Stem Borer) |
Possible Herbivores: |
Hypenodes humidalis Larva |
Glyphipterix thrasonella Larva |
Several Tenthredinidae |
Possible Sapivores: |
Several Miridae |
Macrosteles viridigriseus |
Decomposers: |
Phyllachora junci |
Angiosperm Generalists |
Ecological Flora of the British Isles
Skye Flora:
Slender Rush
Pictures © 2003, 2004 J.K. Lindsey
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Ecology of Commanster