Ecology Books: Vertebrates

[General], [Habitats], Animals, [Fungi], [Plants], [Diseases and Parasites], [Decomposition], [Chemicals Produced]
[General], Vertebrates, [Invertebrates]
[Mammals], Birds, [Amphibians and Reptiles]


Alerstam, T. (1990) Bird Migration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bennett, P.M. & Owens, I.P.F. (2002) Evolutionary Ecology of Birds. Life Histories, Mating Systems, and Extinction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Berthold, P. (2001, 2nd edn) Bird Migration. A General Survey. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Berthold, P., Gwinner, E., & Sonnenschein, E. (2003) Avian Migration. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Black, J.M. (1996) Partnerships in Birds. The Study of Monogamy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Burton, J.F. (1995) Birds and Climate Change. London: Christopher Helm.

Catchpole, C.K. & Slater, P.J.B. (1995) Bird Song. Biological Themes and Variations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crocq, C. (2007) Les Oiseaux et Les Baies sauvages. Paris: Belin.

Deeming, D.C. (2002) Avian Incubation. Behaviour, Environment, and Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Elkins, N. (1988) Weather and Bird Behaviour. London: Poyser.
   Traduction française, (1996) Les Oiseaux et la Météo. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Flegg, J. (1983) In Search of Birds. Their Haunts and Habitats. Poole: Blandford Press.

Fuller, R.J. (1995) Bird Life of Woodland and Forest. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hansell, M. (2000) Bird Nests and Construction Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lack, D. (1966) Population Studies of Birds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lack, D. (1968) Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds. London: Chapman & Hall.

Lack, D. (1971) Ecological Isolation in Birds. Oxford: Blackwell.

Lack, P. (1992) Birds on Lowland Farms. London: HMSO.

Mead, C. (1983) Bird Migration. London: Hamlyn.

Prestt, I. (1982) British Birds. Lifestyles and Habitats. London: Batsford.

Savage, C. (1995) Bird Brains. The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays. San Francisco: Sierra Club.

Snow, B. & Snow, D. (1988) Birds and Berries. A Study of an Ecological Interaction. Calton: T & AD Poyser.

Tinbergen, N. (1954) Bird Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Videler, J.J. (2005) Avian Flight. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wiens, J.A. (1989) The Ecology of Bird Communities. Vol.1 Foundations and Patterns. Vol.2 Processes and Variations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Specific Species

Baudrin, H., Genot, J.C., & Muller, Y. (1995) Les Rapaces nocturnes. Paris: Sang de la Terre.

Birkhead, T.R. (1991) The Magpies. The Ecology and Behaviour of Black-billed and Yellow-billed Magpies. London: Poyser.

Bunn, D.S., Warburton, A.B., & Wilson, R.D.S. (1982) The Barn Owl. London: Poyser.

Carter, I. (2001) The Red Kite. Chelmsford: Arlequin.

Chapman, A. (1999) The Hobby. Chelmsford: Arlequin.

Clarke, R. (1995) The Marsh Harrier. London: Hamlyn.

Clement, P. (1995) The Chiffchaff. London: Hamlyn.

Conder, P. (1989) The Wheatear. London: Christopher Helm.

Couzi, L. & Petit, P. (2005) La Grue cendrée. Histoire naturelle d'un Grand Migrateur. Editions Sudouest.

Cramp, S. et al. (1977-1994) Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. 9 Vol. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cuisin, M. (2005) Chouettes et Hiboux. Paris: Artémis.

Davies, N.B. (1992) Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Davies, N.B. (2015) Cuckoo. Cheating by Nature. London: Bloomsbury.

Delvaux, J. (2003) Le Retour du Grand Corbeau en Belgique. Récit d'un Projet abouti. Brussels: Forêt wallonne.

Donald, P.F. (2004) The Skylark. London: Poyser.

Feare, C.J. (1985) The Starling. Aylesbury: Shire.

Garcia, E. (1989) The Blackcap and the Garden Warbler. Aylesbury: Shire.

Géroudet, P. (1994) Grands Echassiers, Gallinacés, Râles d'Europe. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Géroudet, P. (1998, 4e edn) Les Passereaux d'Europe. Tome 1. Des Coucous aux Merles. Tome 2. De la Bouscarle aux Bruants. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Géroudet, P. (1999, 4e edn) Les Palmipèdes d'Europe. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Géroudet, P. (2000, 7e edn) Les Rapaces d'Europe. Diurnes et Nocturnes. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Géroudet, P. (2008, 2e edn) Limicoles, Gangas et Pigeons d'Europe. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Gorman, G. (2004) Woodpeckers of Europe. A Study of the European Picidae. London: Bruce Coleman.

Gorman, G. (2011) The Black Woodpecker. A Monograph on Dryocopus martius. Barcelona: Lynx.

Gosler, A. (1993) The Great Tit. London: Hamlyn.

Jadoul, G. (1994) La Cigogne noire. Chronique d'un Retour annoncé Liège: Perron.

Lack, D. (1965) The Life of the Robin. London: Fontana.

Lefranc, N. (1993) Les Pies-Grièches d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Lorenz, K. (1988) Les Oies cendrées. Paris: Albin Michel.

Lundberg, A. & Alatalo, R.V. (1992) The Pied Flycatcher. London: Poyser.

Mason, C.F. (1995) The Blackcap. London: Hamlyn.

Matthysen, E. (1998) The Nuthatches. London: Poyser.

Mebs, T. & Scherzinger, W. (2006) Rapaces nocturnes de France et d'Europe. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Metzmacher, M. (2004) Oiseaux des Hautes-Fagnes. Histoire et Géographie des Oiseaux nicheurs. Ortho: Eole.

Moller, A.P. (1994) Sexual Selection and the Barn Swallow. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Monneret, R.J. (2006) Le Faucon pèlerin. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Murton, R.K. (1965) The Wood Pigeon. London: Collins.

Newton, I. (1972) Finches. London: Collins.

Newton, I. (1986) The Sparrowhawk. London: Poyser.

Norman, D. (1994) The Fieldfare. London: Hamlyn.

Olioso, G. (2004) Les Mésanges. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Olioso, G. & Olioso, M. (2006) Les Moineaux. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Perrins, C. (1979) British Tits. London: Collins.

Ratcliffe, D. (1997) The Raven. London: Poyser.

Read, M. & Allsop, J. (1994) The Barn Owl. London: Blandford.

Riddle, G. (1992) Seasons with the Kestrel. London: Blandford.

Riddle, G. (2011) Kestrels for Company. Caithness: Whittles.

Rouxel, R. (2000) Les Bécassines. Saint Yrieix sur Charente: Eveil Nature.

Scott, D. (2010) The Hen Harrier - In the Shadow of Slemish. Caithness: Whittles.

Sériot, J. & Alvès, D. (2002) Les Hirondelles. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Shrubb, M. (1993) The Kestrel. London: Hamlyn.

Simmons, R.E. (2000) Harriers of the World. Their Behaviour and Ecology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Simms, E. (1978) British Thrushes. London: Collins.

Simms, E. (1989) The Song Thrush. Aylesbury: Shire.

Smith, S. (1950) The Yellow Wagtail. London: Collins.

Snow, D.W. (1988, 2nd edn) A Study of Blackbirds. London: British Museum.

Suetens, W. (1992) Les Rapaces d'Europe. Liège: Perron.

Summers-Smith, J.D. (1988) The Sparrows. A Study of the genus Passer. Calton: T & AD Poyser.

Summers-Smith, J.D. (1995) The Tree Sparrow. Guisborough: J.D. Summers-Smith.

Tate, P. (1986) The Swallow. Aylesbury: Shire.

Taylor, I. (1994) Barn Owls. Predator-prey Relationships and Conservation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Turner, A. (2006) The Barn Swallow. London: Poyser.

Village, A. (1990) The Kestrel. London: Poyser.

Watson, D. (1977) The Hen Harrier. London: Poyser.

Wyllie, I. (1987) The Cuckoo. Aylesbury: Shire.

[General], [Habitats], Animals, [Fungi], [Plants], [Diseases and Parasites], [Decomposition], [Chemicals Produced]
[General], Vertebrates, [Invertebrates]
[Mammals], Birds, [Amphibians and Reptiles]

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