Identification Keys: Invertebrates Other Than Insects

[General], [Vertebrates], [Insects], Other Invertebrates, [Fungi], [Plants]
[General], [Slugs and Snails], [Spiders and Harvestmen], Springtails, [Mites and Ticks]

Agren, H. (1904) "Lappländische Collembola." Arkiv för Zoologi 2: 1-30.

Babenko, A.B. (1997) "The taxonomy and distribution of the genus Anurida (Collembola: Neanuridae) in the northern Palaearctic." European Journal of Entomology 94: 511-536.

Börner, C. (1901) "Zur Kenntnis der Apterygoten-Fauna von Bremen und der Nachbardistrickte." Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen 17: 1-140.

Bourlet, A. (1839) "Mémoire sur les Podures." Mémoires de la Société (Royale) des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts à Lille pp.377-417.

Fabricius, O. (1783) "Beskrivelse over nogle lidet bekiendte Podurer, og en besonderlig Loppe." Nye Samling af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 2: 296-311.

Fjellberg, A. (2003) "Revision of six northern species of the Isotoma viridis Bourlet, 1839 complex (Collembola, Isotomidae)." Norwegian Journal of Entomology 50: 91-98.

Fjellberg, A. (1998, 2007) The Collembola of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part I: Poduromorpha. Part II: Entomobryomorpha and Symphypleona. Leiden: Brill.

Hopkin, S.P. (2007) A Key to the Collembola (Springtails) of Britain and Ireland. Taunton: Field Studies Council.

Lubbock, J. (1862) "Notes on the Thysanura. Part I. Smynthuridae. Part II." Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 23: 429-448, 589-601.

Lubbock, J. (1868) "VII. Notes on the Thysanura. Part III." Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 26: 295-304.

Lubbock, J. (1873) Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. London: Ray Society.

Mateos, E. (2008) "The European Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 (Collembola: Entomobryidae." Zootaxa 1769: 35-59.

Nicolet, H. (1842) "Recherches pour servir à l'histoire des Podurelles." Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles 6: 1-88.

Nicolet, H. (1847) "Essai sur une classification des insectes aptères, de l'ordre des Thysanoures." Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 5: 335-395.

Reuter, O.M. (1891) "Podurider från nordvestra Sibirien, samlade af J. R. Sahlberg." Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-societetens Förhandlingar 33: 226-229.

Tullberg, T. (1871) "Förteckning öfver svenska Podurider." Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 28: 143-155.

[General], [Vertebrates], [Insects], Other Invertebrates, [Fungi], [Plants]
[General], [Slugs and Snails], [Spiders and Harvestmen], Springtails, [Mites and Ticks]

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