Hedya ochroleucana (Frölich 1828) (Family Tortricidae)

Forewing Length: 7.5-10mm;
Wingspan: 16-21mm
Egg Larva Pupa Adult
? April - June May - June June - September
(Earliest: 7.6)

Hedge Rows


Malus sylvestris

Rosa canina
Possible Parasitoids:
Many Ichneumonidae Larvae

Many Braconidae Larvae

Several Tachinidae Larvae
Possible Predators:
Several Vespidae

Several Miridae

Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium: Hedya ochroleucana
Eurasian Tortricidae: Hedya ochroleucana
Hedya ochroleucana
Nature Spot: Hedya ochroleucana
Lepiforum: Hedya ochroleucana
Plant Parasites of Europe: Hedya ochroleucana

Pictures © 2003, 2013 J.K. Lindsey


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