Male and Female |
Female and Young |
Resident Nester; Territory: Nest
Length: 50-65cm; Wingspan: 81-98cm; Weight: Male 850-1458g, Female 750-1320g;
9-13 Eggs: March - June (27-28 Days); Young: April - October (50-60 Days)
Migration: March - April, September - October
Moult: June - July, September
Biotopes: |
Ponds |
Temporary Pools |
Streams | |
Nest: (0 m) |
Rubus fruticosus Bramble |
Urtica dioica | ||
Principal Food: |
Cyperaceae |
Lemna minor |
Insecta |
Gastropoda |
Pictures © 2003, 2004 J.K. Lindsey
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